
Friday, July 12, 2013

Rebuilding Camelot: How Blizzard can and must save WoW

Remember World of Warcraft? Remember how it used to be a thing? Well, of course it's still a 'thing' with 8 million subscribers, but it's rare we ever hear about it anymore. At its peak, World of Warcraft had attained 13 million subscribers but has since steadily declined since the release the Cataclysm expansion. So why has the World of Warcraft fervor passed quietly into obscurity?  Like any other MMO, the hype around a game dies down once it stops growing. When a game stops growing, people naturally stop talking about it and, unfortunately for World of Warcraft, barely anyone has talked about it in recent years.

But WoW can be saved, it can return to growth only if Blizzard retraces the steps they took to reach stardom in the first place.

Changing philosophy
I remember in an old interview, Blizzard had said WoW became a sensation somewhat overnight and that, at the start, they would have considered it lucky if they even got 500,000 subscriber. Fast forward 6 years and this colossus has 13 million. If you can't tell why by now, I'll put it in simpler terms; no game company ever made a massively popular game by trying to make a massively popular game, and those who have  (SWTOR, Warhammer, ETC) have failed spectacularly to meet expectation.

There was once a time when Blizzard made games because they thought they would be fun, games like Diablo 2 and even as late as Starcraft 2, all of which were good games. Only after reaching a massive following did Blizzard become more concerned about statistics and data points than they were about making a solid, fun game. Now whenever someone mentions the declining  subscriber number they talk about how they're going to start releasing content at a quicker rate, but it that really the problem? Blizzard should be releasing content they feel people will enjoy playing for a long time, not making content that will be fun for a week and then releasing more mediocre content to fill in the gap between expansions.

And this is the change in philosophy that Blizzard has adopted. Nothing is about making a challenging, worthwhile experience anymore, it now about making content for subscription retention. Blizzard must remember that they never became popular because they wanted to be popular and instead realize that they became so by simply making good games

Remembering where you came from.

The population of WoW reached its highest in the early stages of Wrath of The Lich King, but the largest amount of growth was seen during the Burning Crusade era. Burning Crusade was the perfect balance of hardcore and being able to easily enjoy something. Karazhan was the first 25 man dungeon, allowing casual players to more easily assemble a group of friends and join in but was also challenging enough to make it worthwhile for hardcore players. And if you weren't interested in Karazhan, you still have 40-man dungeons for hardcore raiding guilds, Tempest Keep, Vashj and Black Temple all required attentiveness and coordination. 

Burning Crusade was the perfect example of what WoW should be at it's height:

-40 man raids
-10 and 25 man raids
-Fun leveling
-World PvP objectives
-Dungeons gear sets
-High tier gear was rare and meant something

But something began to change near the end of Burning Crusade, we started seeing the introduction of the token system, gear was easier to get and people started looking oddly similar. But that was OK, there was still the high tier gear that the rare few had. These players had to work hard to get in the position they were in and the newer players could look up to them and admire that, one day, maybe they would be in their position. But more and more, it began to look like the situation that WoW is in today.

Fix it.
So what does Blizzard have to do to stop the leaking? I'm under no impression that these issues will be fixed before the next expansion, Mists of Pandara has already made its mark and this is how it will be until the next iteration. As a long time vanilla WoW player and an avid MMO player, I've seen MMOs come and go, rise and fall, die with a whimper and explode in popularity. I've seen the marks of great MMOs and Blizzard has a chance to save the last bastion of MMOs.

Bring back 40 mans. WoW desperately needs to write a love letter to it's hardcore audience. For the last 5 years, Blizzard has tried harder and harder to make their game easier to access. Whether it's getting rid a attunements or making gear ridiculously easy to get, Blizzard has systematically driven away their hardcore audience. What better way to say 'we still care' than giving them back what made them join in the first place? 40 mans in Vanilla and BC were something special, it wasn't something you could just throw together, it was an actual event, it was challenging and as such made it all the more satisfying to conquer. Satisfaction is something modern WoW raids severely lack.

Make me work for it. Anyone will tell you that WoW has gotten easier and easier and that is bad news in the long run for any MMO. What was once a long term goal became a grind for tokens. Everyone was wearing the best gear, everyone had the best weapons, everyone could join in the latest raid, everyone is a winner! And that's why everyone loses. Look at EvE Online. EvE Online has been steadily growing since 2003, it has seen nothing but slow and steady growth. Why? Because it's hard, you have to work for your loot. Just recently someone lost a ship worth over $9000 minutes after he bought it. That is what keeps people playing, the idea that not only can you lose everything in an instant but you can also make someone lose everything. I'm not saying when you die in WoW you should lose all your gear, but not everyone is entitled to the best of the best. Logically, making everyone win also means everyone loses.

Ditch Looking-for-raid. Looking for raid may sound good on paper, but really all it does is burn people out on a raid before they ever see it in proper context. What motive is there for a casual player to join a long-term guild if he's just going to be doing the same thing he's been doing for the past year?

Stop trying to appeal to casuals. There has been a shift in gaming recently and Blizzard has not adapted well. While trying to mold their game to the casual audience, Blizzard has forgotten that MMOs have never appealed to casual players. Hardcore players dedicate themselves to a single MMO for years on ends, they stay in the same genre, the same setting and the same game because it's fun for them. Blizzard hasn't gotten the memo that the casual audience has moved on from MMOs. They started with handhelds, went to MMOs then to Facebook and now they have transitioned to Smartphone and iPad games. Blizzard, there are no more casuals in the MMO market, there are only the hardcore MMO players left, you need to get this through your head.

That should be what Blizzard remembers most about the current MMO market, there are no more casual players left, they have gone onto other platforms. Blizzards biggest problem is that they're chasing a non-existent ethereal audience while driving away the only people left playing their game. Show us that there is something to come back to that will keep us playing for years, not just something to dive in for a few weeks and leave after we beat all the current content. More importantly, there is a reason Blizzard must save WoW. WoW is the last truly large MMO in the west, if WoW dies, there will be very little in the MMO market left for western gamers. Companies will implode, games will collapse and an entire genre will die.

Unfortunately, the only company that can stop this from happening is under the clutches of Activision. God help us.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Most Overrated: Skyrim (and what it does right).

Before I begin, I would like to clarify what I mean when I say 'overrated'. Overrated does not mean the game in question is bad or does not deserve to be played;  all it means is that it has received an undeserved amount of praised or has some how eluded the clutches of criticism for thing that need to be criticized. In the Elder Scroll's case, the latter applies.

Recently, I had a sudden urge to download some mods and hop back into Skyrim. During my stay in Tamriel, it really hit me how many things that Bethesda did not do right with Skyrim and how -in so many cases- the series has regressed. That is not to say Skyrim does not do some things right, but the sheer amount of praise it receives with no mention of it's foibles baffles me. So I've assigned myself with the burden of knocking The Elder Scrolls down a few pegs and highlight some of the ways it has fallen in quality since it's predecessors. 

Click mouse to kill enemy. Hold mouse to kill bigger enemy.

Hands down the worst aspect of Skyrim has been the overly simplistic gameplay. Block mechanic aside, the combat in Skyrim can be melted down to a series of mouse clicks with the odd power attack mashed in. To try and spice it up, Bethesda made some of the power attacks directional; unfortunately, there is no difference between a directional and direct power attack in Skyrim. The magic and archery system is not much better either, just click for basic attack and hold down for power attack

I always thought The Elder Scrolls could have learned from a game like Mount and Blade or War of The Roses, where all the attack are directional and the blocking mechanic is reactive. In Mount and Blade, you have to decide what direction to swing your weapon in based on what side the enemy has left exposed. The combat is fast, requires skill and  amounts to more that just a rapid succession of clicks until the enemy falls over.

And the combat in The Elder Scrolls has only gotten worse. With the removal of things like spears, creating your own spells and classes, the game-play continues to nose dive in quality and unfortunately no amount of mods can fix these issues.

Put bluntly, I've never met a person who play Skyrim because of the awesome combat.

Dumb AI

How many stories to you have about killing an enemy from stealth, and then when his friend comes to investigate, they see the body, look around for a few second and proclaim "I guess it was nothing" or better yet, shooting THAT NPC in the head and having him ignore the arrow sticking out of his face? How many times have you gotten stuck in a doorway because your follower is too dumb to move out of the way, and, my personal favorite, saving the entire world and still having the guards remark about your sweet roll. 

Where, in any other game, is this kind of abysmal AI acceptable? I'm able to wear full Legion armor and walk freely around the Stormcloaks main city without being hassled. Why? Why hasn't Bethesda incorporated some more of the advanced AI systems like equipment effecting what NPCs say to you?

For a game that emphasizes roleplaying, I've found myself having to ignore the massive amount of dumb shit that NPCs do.

Expansive, but repetitive, world.

Skyrim's largest attraction is the exploration, but even then there are numerous issues, the largest of which is repeated art assets. After exploring countless caves, you start to notice that almost all of them look eerily similar. The same textures, the same architecture and, worse yet, the same enemies; how many draugr do you think you've killed in your explorations? And a lot of them aren't even well placed, why am I fighting draugr in the Dragonborn expansion if it takes place in Morrowind? It gets to the point where enemies start feeling like filler with the odd boss battle thrown in.

The quests are even worse when it comes to repetition. Ever since you had to close those 6 oblivion gates in a row during Elder Scrolls 4, Bethesda seems to be keen on keeping quests as straightforward and uninteresting as possible. The civil war quests are a prime example. Having to invade enemy forts over and over was infuriating and felt like a choir.

And, of course, if you get attacked by an assassin there is a 100% chance they will have a letter in their inventory telling you who they are, where they came from and who sent them. Every. Single. Time. For the love of god, Bethesda, at least make an effort.

Those are the big three issues that keep The Elder Scrolls from becoming great for me. With games like The Witcher 3 and Medal Gear: The Phantom Pain claiming their games will feature full open world exploration, Bethesda needs to step their game up in the combat and AI department if they want to remain the kind of exploration. For a very long time The Elder Scrolls have been the go-to place for open world games, but in today's world, where some game series are looking more into exploration, Bethesda won't be able to hold their crown for long if they don't fix these issues.

I mean for the love of god, Skyrim have raised over half a billion dollars alone. Bethesda needs to put forth some effort in addressing these problems.

In fairness

So what make Skyrim good? We know what made Morrowind good, the huge amount of customization, open cities, exploration and tons of factions to join, but what about Skyrim?

Skyrim primarily does two thing right, a large amount of story lines and community content.

With a large array of story lines, you are able to play your character how you want their life to play out. Want to be a mage? You can join the college. Want to be a hunter? Just hang out in the woods, hunt deer and sell their hide so you can save up for a humble house in Whiterun. Skyrim lets you play your characters life how you want.

On the other side of the coin is community content. Skyrim is legendary for the sheer magnitude of modifications available, everything from player houses, dismemberment, graphical improvements, you name it. This is what keeps people playing the game, making a solid game to begin with is important enough, but giving players the ability to shape that game to how they want it is what keeps people hanging around for the next game. And to Bethesda's credit, they have continued to foster a developer/modder relationship that continues to grow stronger. With the release of the creation kit, Bethesda has told the community that they will continue to support user generated content far into the future. 

All in all, I hope Bethesda looks at some of the community content and sees what direction players want the series to take rather than use it as a crutch, knowing that modders will fix their shortcomings. 

The Elder Scrolls is still good, but every game it seems to slip further and further down from where games like Daggerfall and Morrowind started.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

The prosecution of Justin Carter and what it could mean for you.

I troll. You troll. She trolls. He trolls. We all troll. And anyone who says they don't troll is trolling. But what happens when trolling is filtered through the modern day strainers of counter terrorism and concentrated censorship efforts of today's society? You get someone like Justin Cartar, a League of Legends player who now faces up to eight years in prison and a $200,000 fine with a $500,000 bail.

The story is that Cartar got in an argument during a round of League of Legends when he said the following after an exchange with a fellow LoL player: "I'm going to go shoot up a school full of kids and eat their still beating hearts. jk lol". I believed this case would end in the most logical way possible, where authorities arrest Justin for a few nights and, after a short investigation, release him in light of the complete lack of evidence that these threats were malicious or had any truth to them. Unfortunately, the story takes a much darker turn. Justin has been in jail for 5 months as he awaits his trial and he sits on a $500,000 dollar bail, a bail that is higher than many actual murder cases. Not only has Justin been in jail for 5 months, he has also been stripped naked and set in solitary confinement after being put on suicide watch because of severe depression following multiple altercations with fellow inmates of who verbally and physically abused him.  

So what does this mean for you? Well it means that video gamers will no longer enjoy the anonymity of being "just gamers" and instead means that players everywhere will have to think long and hard about what they say, even in chat boxes during LoL matches. It means that even trolling or harassing someone in a video game can turn you into a felon over night. It means that even when your "lol jk", the next knock you hear on the door could be the police getting ready to throw you in a cell, slap a felony on your record and destroy any chance of you ever having a stable career for the rest of your life. 

Was the joke in bad taste? Sure. Should he be fined? I don't think so, but you can make the argument that he should be, you can even make the argument that he should face a few nights or maybe a month in jail. But making a comment in a video game, no matter how offensive it was, should never be met with almost a decade in prison and solitary conditions that are tenement to torture. It is clear from this draconian punishment that the state of Texas wants to make an example of Justin in the hopes that crucifying a child will scare people into. .  . what exactly? Not threatening to do something? Prosecutors seem to forget that the vast majority of actual criminals don't announce their plans to their own parents never mind to the world in a League of Legends match. I guess this could just be a quick way to make $200,000 off a suicidal teenager whose life was just ruined. All this is teaching people is that you shouldn't announce your crimes before you actually commit them; nice one, prosecutors.

Regardless, this is the world we live in, and if you feel like giving someone a hard time over the internet, no matter how empty your comments are, you could face a 'Terroristic Threat' felony with 8 years in prison and hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines. If you want to fight back and stand up against this kind of system than you're a braver and better person than I am. But for the rest of us who just want to be left alone and play some video games than we will have to do hard examinations of what we say at all times, because no matter where you are or what you're doing, they are listening.

. . . Oh yeah, and uh, happy 4th of July.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Why everyone should play (And love) ARMA

The average gamer has probably only heard of ARMA through the wildly popular mod 'DayZ'. While DayZ is certainly worth picking up, there are plenty of other features in the core ARMA 2 game that many DayZ players or gamers in general either do not appreciate or know about. There are plenty of other reason to get your hands on a copy of ARMA 2 and even more reason to dive into ARMA 3.

As an ARMA veteran who believes the ARMA series can offer the most authentic FPS experience, I feel like it is my duty to share the uncovered potential and enjoyment that these  games can offer.

Intensely dedicated mod support.

This is probably the most obvious upside to the ARMA series, seeing as how ARMA 2 is most well known by the mod 'DayZ'. But don't be mistaken, DayZ merely scratches the surface of what ARMA modifications are capable of. New skins, weapons, events, entire overhauls just to name a few. Take my favorite ARMA 2 mods, for example:

You're taking on the role of corpsman in an intense battle for a small insurgent controlled town when over your radio you hear a Fireteam leader call for corpsman. You rush over to the injured soldiers, examining their wounds; you use bandages to stop the heavy bleeding but your work isn't done yet. You inject epinephrine to revive the soldier and morpheme to stop the pain, but his right leg is broken and he will need a medkit. Shit, you're out and the only ones left are in the MRAP. You pick up the soldier, carrying him on your shoulders through thick fighting over to the MRAP before grabbing a medkit, patching him up and sending him back into the fight.

During this exchange a few mods were utilized. ACRE allowed the use of authentic sounding in game radios, complete with range settings and channels but it also does more; ACRE is a Teamspeak modification as well as an ARMA mod, implementing a talk system that uses realistic draw distances when a player speaks. For instance, with ACRE each player must be within close proximity to speak with each other without a radio, but to speak hundreds of meters or even across the map, each player will need a specialized radio depending on what their battlefield role is. Fireteam members use a small 5000 meter radio, team leaders use a more robust 30,000 meter radio and radio operators are given the massive AN/PRC-119 backpack radio with huge range capabilities. Everyone has a role in sending information up and down the chain of command.

The second element is the ACE mod, allowing an in-depth medical system that requires special equipment to revive team members, unlike other games where you can throw on a medkit and you're magically healthy again. But ACE is so much more than that; towing howitzers, range finders, realistic damage modifiers, the amount of features to ACE are too numerous to list.

And those are just two ARMA modifications out of hundreds of thousands. The modders are dedicated and the community that supports them is hands-down the most dedicated user content base in gaming. No contest.

Unparalleled realism and depth.

Picture this scene:

Two platoons ride single file, in convoy, down a long, barren road toward the town of Nagara. Two MRAP troop transports, a single MK47 HMMWV followed by two HMG HMMWVs trek through the desolate road with gunner and passenger alike scanning for road-side IEDs. As the convoy approaches the town, an RPG rocket slams into the lead MRAP; thankfully, the MRAPs thick, sloping armor was built for such an impact and the crew can safety pull off the road and take cover behind a group of large rocks. All passengers exit the convoy vehicles as the gunners rain down a hot metallic hell on the town. As you take cover behind the rock your radio sounds off with the voice of your Fireteam leader.

"Bravo, we'll be moving bearing 227 with Haymaker 1-1 covering us from the rocks after mortar smoke."

"Copy" you reply, moving toward the far end of the rock cluster as you get ready to run like hell toward the town.

A deep, rolling noise crashes through the sky as 60mm smoke rounds plummet toward the ground. In a massive plume of smoke, the rounds make contact, covering the towns approach in white fog.

"Let's move!"

Your Fireteam breaks into a dead sprint toward the towns nearest building. Gunfire streams into the city block as your fellow platoon members cover your approach. With heaving breath you finally reach the building, cursing the three, heavy 200rnd M249 ammo boxes in your backpack.

As you catch your breath the team leader radios back to the rest of the platoons Fireteam leaders on his VH249 radio.

"Haymaker 1-1 this is Bravo Actual, Bravo is set."

Now it's time to return the favor, your M249 pours out tracer rounds into nearby windows and doorways as you suppress fire for your team members to the cross into the town. The invasion of Nagara was underway.

Every element in that story was directly related to player involvement. Players drove the vehicles, players mounted the HMMWV guns and players relied coordinates to player controlled mortar teams. Obviously this is not every story you hear about the core ARMA game. Like myself, many people may be left with the first impression that ARMA is too hardcore and difficult to get into. But when you abandon the notion that ARMA can be played as a run-and-gun FPS, then you can truly appreciate ARMA for what it is.

ARMA can easily be mistaken for a boring game that focuses too much on realism, but the first time you and 59 of your friends assault a town in true-to-life military fashion that's when you see ARMA for the potential it has. No other FPS can comes close to the amount of satisfaction you feel when your squad mate gives you coordinates and range to an enemy right before you adjust sights on a .50 caliber heavy machine gun and light them up.

Realism Units.

This is where you will get the thrill that I have been talking about. If you want the authentic military FPS experience. If you don't want any of that bullshit, any of that no-scope, rocket launchers everywhere, knife kill bullshit, than your only option is a realism unit. Don't get me wrong, you can find friends and communities that screw around and have fun just playing multiplayer and shooting the shit out of a few scrubs. But if you want the real deal, you need to join a realism unit.

That video offers just a small taste of what a standard operation in a realism unit is like. Realism units stress authentic military .

The future is bright.

The ARMA train doesn't stop there, with a newly released beta of ARMA 3, players can pay just $45 for both instant Beta access and the full game at launch. Buyers will enjoy all the things that make ARMA great along with a plethora of new features including better graphics and lighting, improved editor, more firing stances, more weapons, full gear customization system including the ability to mix and match clothing and armor, and best of all the same mod support you would expect from an ARMA game. In fact, ACRE has recently launched their ARMA 3 version and ACE is working on ACE 3 for players to sink their teeth into.

The potential for the ARMA series is only limited by what you want out of it, and at only $25 for the entire ARMA 2 collection and $45 for ARMA 3, there is no better time to jump into this colossus of an FPS.  
